Monday, November 1, 2010

from copyright issues to the citizen journalism

 Copyright issues  in general meaning face to the people long time ago. I guess, at the same time when one man create something and other feel jealous about that because he was not so good in construction of his ideas.

However, as a part of citizen journalism this topic became just with creation of high technologies, especially cyber area and internet field.
Basically, copyright issues is a part of entertainment area which  do not touch ordinary user and exist as a part of gossip for the most "interested" audience who usually prefer to look at precious idol more than understand what kind of problems he/she have/had.

Nowadays, with increasing popularity of social networking and entertainment sector this topic face everybody who involve in this process. Major part of this problem concerned around auditory of asian music, particularly japanese. While in european countries musicians who accused or blame audience with such problem usually turn into news and nobody surprised with this . Just to remind,  scandal about conspiracy of Viva la Vida (click on the link to see the whole article about this event) which usually represented as an example of contemporary copyright issues.

Except that, fans of rock music should remember  notorious range of scandals around shock rocker Marilyn Manson. No doubt, major part of these arguments around him were created just for catching attention of the audience and were created during promotion time of his albums.Although, one example of his interruption in others intellectual property caused by stolen ideas from japanese musician Hide (Hideto Matsumoto).


 Hide blame Marilyn Manson in plagiarism, during this fight between friends (as before and, unexpectedly, after Hide and Marilyn Manson) fans of one and other were separated into oppositional groups. To find any sources about this event was pretty hard but there is one article (written by fan of both artists in humorous way) however, some examples look as real plagiarism from Marilyn Manson.

Even though, these copyright scandals( and variety of others) relate to specific audience and usually do not bother huge audience. But in reality copyright issues cover  huge area connect with violation of human rights, stolen private and intellectual property and relations between serious financial organisations and ordinary users. What is more, copyright issues area can be identified by standards of citizen journalism ethics


  1. wow I really like your blog and the topic that you have raised.realy interesting to read! keep it up. :)

  2. daria~ im coming to response your post,haha.

    your topic is different for others.

    u r right:)

    Along with popularity of social networking and entertainment sector, copy right issue has increasingly. expected censorship, copy right merit attention, too:)
