Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First post

This is my first post here but hopefully not the last one.

The main topic which I consider to discuss will cover copyright issues in private sector as a part of citizen journalism. Special direction that I decide to talk about connects with photography and music distribution.

What users should keep in mind when they upload something to the internet area? How keep your copyrights reserved and share your work and ideas with other users? What authors can also do to check movements of their material in the web area? In addition, I will use photography and music distribution as examples of ordinary destruction of copyrights.

In general, citizen journalism based on private or individual experience and expression of personal opinion about particular news, event or story which also will be used in my posts here.

In my point of view, citizen journalism cover bigger area than people usualy prefer to think. 

No doubt, news reports discussions and warnings about specific violation of human rights via internet area and blogging field is one of the major parts of citizen journalism. However, it can contains some less “heavy”  and more interesting topics for viewing and commented about.

As a result, I decide to build my topic around this case.

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